SAP ABAP: Smartforms/SAPscript formatting
SAP Smartforms/SAPscript Smartforms Formatting Following are the few useful formatting options: Offset: N left-most characters of the symbol value will not be displayed. If symbol has the value 123456789, the following will be displayed: &symbol& -> 123456789 &symbol+3& -> 456789 &symbol+7& -> 89 &symbol+12& -> &symbol+0& -> 123456789 Output Length To define how many character positions should be copied from the value. If symbol has the value 123456789. &symbol(3)& -> 123 &symbol(7)& -> 1234567 The SYST-UNAME field contains the logon name of a user called Einstein. The Dictionary entry for this field contains an output length of 12. &SYST-UNAME&… -> Einstein… &SYST-UNAME(9)&… -> Einstein … &SYST-UNAME(*)&… -> Einstein … Omitting the Leading Sign The S option can be used to ensure that the value is formatted without the sign. The ITCD...